Social Security Claiming Strategies
When and how you claim Social Security benefits has a huge financial impact on your retirement.
Early eligibility begins at 62 but there is a steep reduction in benefits, and possible loss of benefit if you continue to work and earn "too much" money. Full retirement age (FRA) is NOT the same for each person. There is a significant increase in your beginning benefit for each year you wait after FRA until age 70. How and when to claim spousal benefits can be one of the most complex areas of Social Security planning.
Once you begin collecting benefits, you may owe taxes on your Social Security income. Taxation issues can become complex when coordinating Social Security with other sources of income.
Social Security can help you file a claim, but they cannot give you advice. Claiming your Social Security benefit is one of those areas that have very few "do over" options if you make the wrong decision. Obtaining competent financial advice from someone who is knowledgeable and experienced in this area can make a huge difference.
To obtain a detailed report, or if you would like to discuss your personal situation -- whether you are married, single, widowed, divorced or other committed relationship -- give us a call.
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To learn more about the importance of Social Security decisions, click here.